Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Let's talk about music

Okay guys,

This is what we have to do for next Tuesday.
Prepare an oral presentation about music (in English)

Consider an introduction, a body and conclusion. In these stages you can include anything you want but it has to be logical. For instance, in the introduction you can talk about the song and the band or singer. You can mention anecdites o popularity of the song, etc. You can present the song in the body of the presentation. You can play the song in the radio on a casstte, CD, mp3 (or any other format) or play it alive with an instrument and your classmates singing along. The conclusion can be some words or expresions in the song, or anything you decide. Be ready to answer questions.

Time: Your presentation should last 10 minutes and it must be rady for Tuesday 15th. For time reasons (obviously) not everyone will be able to present on that day, but everybody must be ready.

You have to send me a short report about it at the end of the week. In in mention the song you're going to present, the audiovisual facilities you need (radio, OHP, laptop, etc )

Questions welcomed



Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Juan Chamorro A. said...

You're welcome!